Is He Falling in Love or Full of BS? [Podcast EP 52]
Nov 04, 2019
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How do you know if he's really falling in love? How do you know if the guy on the other side of the screen is really looking for true connection or if he's full of crap? In this episode,...
Does He Need the Chase? (And big announcement!!) [Podcast EP 51]
Oct 28, 2019
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Today I will be announcing a BIG EXCITING announcement about the Back to YOU Academy and membership program!! Listen in for details:D
Also, I'll be addressing an interesting thing a dude said to...
The vicious cycle you don't know you're in [Podcast EP 46]
Sep 23, 2019
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Are you caught in the cycle of toxic relationships?
There is a reason why you feel exhausted all the time. Your energy is being sucked right out of you. And this is costing you everything- your...