A lot of coaches out there will tell you feeling butterflies around a new guy is a bad sign, because it means your nervous system is recognizing danger. This just isn't totally true, butterflies...
Are you dating with a sense of urgency and a timeline?
If you ask any happily married couple if they had a sense of urgency to find the one when they met each other, most of them will...
In this episode we're talking about why you're in the cycle of rejection and pain, why that pain of rejection is so great, and how to stop the cycle.
If you continue to find yourself meeting...
In this episode I'll be answering a listener question: How will I know if he's the right guy? She also feared that she may have so much self worth and love that no guy will ever be...
When we are experiencing anxiety, it often means we are focusing on and worrying about things that are out of our control. 2020 has been full of things out of our control, so let's talk about...
In this episode I answer your questions about dating, anxiety, dealing with rejection and breadcrumbers and my thoughts on Sex and the City after binging on it recently.