Are You Forcing Yourself to Be Someone You're Not? [Podcast EP 47]
Sep 30, 2019
Did you know that before you have a one on one coaching session with me, I don't really know exactly what I'm going to say to you?
It's not because I'm not a good relationship coach. That's definitely not how my clients feel, anyway;)
It's because each and every one of my girls is a totally different person with their own story and challenges. I will customize the call to fit your specific needs.
My message to you in this podcast episode is that we often get caught up in the pressure of trying to do things the "right" way and to force a certain timeline in our pursuit of love. But whose right way? Whose timeline?
We are not meant to all be the same. And we're not meant to all find our life partner in the same way and in the same timeframe.
We ARE all meant to find our purpose, and we can't do that if we continue to put so much pressure and stress on ourselves to be like everyone else or meet everyone else's expectations.
You feel the most alone when you're trying to be somebody you're not.
In the Back to YOU Academy, we figure out who you ARE. And there's no "one size fits all we're doing it this way" answer. This is the space where we let go of all the rules and do what truly feels natural for you as the MASTERPIECE that you are.
You can also download and subscribe to this podcast for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or listen on Youtube.
The next Academy starts Monday, October 7th, 2019, 8pm EST. If you're ready to find who you are, we are so ready to have you!!
Resources mentioned:
The Me that I Want to Be: Becoming God's Best Version of You by John Ortberg
Mark Groves "Create the Love" Instagram: @createthelove
Steven Speaks Instragram: @stevenspeaks
Work with Melissa
Need help stopping the cycle of toxic relationships, living happily single, and finding true love? If you're tired of being the only person in your friend group who's not in a healthy, happy relationship, I can help you! Here's how:
- The Level Up for Love one-on-one coaching package, which includes taking the Gumball Love Assessment and Relationship Analysis, four coaching sessions with Melissa and one coaching session with Iain and Melissa as a couple, or
- Join the VIP Private Facebook Group
- Follow Melissa on Instagram: @melissajaneroberts