Find your true love.
Discover your X -Factor.
Live the life you've imagined.
We’ve been told…
“Play the Game.”
“Think like a man.”
“Make him chase you”
“How to get the guy”
Let’s face it… it’s not working.
You’re not finding love.
You don’t really know what you’re looking for anymore.
Online dating is hell yet seems like the only option.
You think your standards are too high one day and too low the next.
When you get ghosted, you question yourself instead of him.
You’re still obsessing over your ex.
Every time someone gets married you think “What does she have that I don’t?”

This was me. For years. All the above.
I watched everyone I knew get married and have kids.
I attended countless events and got the inevitable question,
“Are you seeing anyone? Why are you still single?”
I always seemed to pick the wrong men.
They didn’t seem wrong at first though…
It would be full of chemistry, spark and magic… but then something would happen.
His energy would shift, the texts didn’t feel the same and I would get that sick feeling he was pulling away.
Sometimes he would get mean, other times he would just disappear leaving me to wonder

Is there something wrong with me?
I tried everything to fix it.
I followed the “experts.”
I read every single relationship book.
I googled every red flag and scoured thousands of articles on all the dos, and don'ts.
All the advice that led me to two things…
What do men want?
How to become what men want.
In trying to do and say everything “men wanted” and follow everyone else’s advice,
I lost something… MYSELF.
After the biggest heartbreak of my life, I hit my lowest point and I started to secretly go to therapy. I was so embarrassed after yet another relationship failure. I couldn’t stand those looks of pity from women with giant wedding rings and perfect little lives.
That was it. I had enough.
What did they know that I didn’t?
Something was missing.
The problem. No one had figured it out yet.
In the process I developed the concept of Gumball Love.
What is Gumball Love?
A transactional relationship based on the addiction to the sugar high of attention.
Press play button below to learn more >>>
When he puts in a quarter, do you give him a Gumball?

He always comes back to sex in some way


Everything is an argument, drama all the time.


He's easily bored, nothing makes him happy for very long.


He talks about his ex, flirts with other women, and compares you to others.


He's always the victim. His problems are more important than yours.


He needs compliments, center of attention, tells stories, one upper, interrupter.


He reaches out but doesn't make plans. He's hot and cold, unpredictable.


He likes you but he's not sure what he wants.

Bottom line: it’s all about him.
Arousing him
Fighting with him.
Exciting him
Competing with someone else for him.
Pitying him.
Idolizing him
Chasing him.
Convincing him.
In the beginning you get so caught up in the excitement and chemistry of being with him, you don’t realize you’re slowly losing yourself
Every “Gumball Guy” is different depending on the flavor of attention he craves.
Before I knew about Gumball Guys, I endlessly completed the transaction for nearly two decades. It felt like I was never enough. I started to believe something was wrong with me which made me continue to seek out the wrong advice only to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
Once I discovered this concept.
I was able to LEVEL UP.

I want to help you do the same using my hindsight 20/20 vision
This experience is about helping you achieve faster results and start living the life you have always wanted.
"Yes!! 100%. Gumball Love is a refreshing, unique and tangible way to comprehend rather complex behaviors and patterns that leave women feeling mystified. The way Melissa breaks it down is nothing short of masterful. When I signed up with Melissa I found myself calling in repeated patterns that were underwhelming. I was ready to see things differently and break the patterns for good. It wasn’t easy, but Melissa’s insight and guidance helped bring attention to all the right places. The more I saw, the more I understood. By understanding, I could begin moving forward towards what I truly desired. I can say I’ve finally reached a place where I’m no longer living in the question—my standards are set and I’m only available for what’s compatible with them. My emotional health has dramatically transformed and as a byproduct, opened much more room for happiness and growth in others areas of my life too now that my attention isn’t consumed with doubt, drama and insecurity. Thanks Melissa!"
- Christi

"I felt like you were the first person who got me and realized it wasn’t my fault but the guys I choose to date. You had so many experiences that were similar to mine. Finally understood myself and Gumball guys so much more. So grateful for what you have taught me!"
- Shelia
What will I get out of this experience?

Your CONFIDENCE will soar as you identify the exact patterns of what is holding you back. You will feel SECURE knowing exactly what to look for and how to filter out the wrong guys before you even go on one date.

You will gain STRENGTH to make the right decisions if you are currently in a relationship.

You will learn how to TRUST YOURSELF.

You will HEAL from your past as this concept sheds new light on all relationships in a way that will change your life forever.

You will learn how to find the real you, love the real you and show up as her daily.

Finally you will FIND REAL AND TRUE LOVE - the one that is meant for you.
What is included in the Level Up for LOVE Coaching Experience?
What is covered:
- Learn how to find real love once and for all.
- Identify the patterns of current and past relationships with this proven system
- Receive a comprehensive red flag report and detailed description of each behavior and pattern.
- Get over your ex, even if it is years back and gain peace and clarity about the relationship.
- Understand the exact cycles and patterns holding you back from finding true love.
- Gain the confidence to organically meet new men in real life and online without stressing over every text.
- Define exactly what you want and need in a relationship and learn how to move toward that goal without losing yourself.
- Gain control of your life, career and other relationships in your life.
- Learn which friendships and family members are toxic and how to manage those relationships with healthy boundaries.
- Learn how to attract healthy men and how they will be different than the men you are used to dating.
- Discover your true worth, gain authentic confidence you don’t have to fake and go on the adventure which will lead you to the love of your life.

"Since I joined the Level up for Love and VIP Masterclass I have healed in so many ways, my self confidence has improved and I am loving myself more everyday in order to be the healthiest happiest me I can be which is so important when entering a new relationship."
- Lauren

"Yes! Transforming myself by getting to know the real me and loving her!"
- Jennifer
(Level Up for Love and VIP Member)

"One million percent! I’m finally starting to think in a completely different way and learning to stay away from my usual patterns and seeing red flags right away. Melissa has helped talked through these patterns to get through the process and I’m forever grateful."
- Bri
Level Up for Love Master Class Coaching Call Menu:
What do I talk about in coaching calls?
We have developed a menu of the most common topics or you can choose to customize the journey that is right for you.